Meet The Team: Jake

If you've been a customer of ours for a while, or you're in our Facebook group, you have probably seen Jake lurking about somewhere. He started The Brews Bros with Liam back in September 2017 and has been managing director ever since. We asked him a couple of ice breaker questions which he's answered with, as you can tell, deep thought and detail. Enjoy!

Name: Jake

Age: 28

Favourite Eliquid: Kratos

What do you do at The Brews Bros?
Answer stupid questions.

What do you like about working at The Brews Bros?
My favourite thing is the atmosphere. I wanted The Brews Bros to be a place where nobody felt micro-managed and everyone could have a laugh, we've definitely achieved that. 

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work?
Fishing, going on holiday and going out for tea.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
When I injured my back and a nurse put her elder wand index finger somewhere I don't even want to talk about.

Top 3 favourite TV shows.
Narcos, Mandalorian and Black Mirror.

Top 3 favourite artists.
Nirvana, Dr Dre and Oasis.

First thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
I'd put it all on black.

Choose 3 people to go to a dinner party with, dead, alive or fictional.
Pablo Escobar, Jake Peralta and Elon Musk.

What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
A helicopter, a pilot and "you can keep the third thing".

What would your superpower be?
I would say flying but I’m scared of heights so I’d never use it. I'd probably choose time travelling instead.

What’s your death row meal?
For a starter I’d have chicken liver parfait. Main would be a 20oz wagyu steak with the following sides: macaroni and cheese, mcdonalds double cheeseburger, parmesan risotto, salt and pepper chips, 20 chicken nuggets and garlic sauce to finish it all off. I would like a pint of Batemans XB and a diet fanta to wash it down. Dessert would be a maltesers milkshake, 1kg of giant haribo cola bottles, a cheese scone and I also request at this point to be able to have a candlelit bath.


Keep your eye out for next week when we ask Codi the same questions!

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